Bright Beginnings is an outreach program designed for older toddlers (at least 2 years, 7 months old) sponsored by Asbury United Methodist Church.  The program provides experiences that are designed to relate to the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of your child.  Our focus is on independence, social growth and the introduction of structured classroom environments where children learn to interact with other children their age in a safe, fun, loving atmosphere.  We use the PA Learning Standards as a framework for program and curriculum goals.

Program Overview

This program is both a transition to a school setting as well as means to further a healthy separation between parent and child.  Successful separation transfers the child’s trust from family to school.  The results are a happier first experience in autonomy for the child and a sense of security for the parent.

Two-year-olds are active, affectionate and sometimes strong-willed.  It is a time when they begin to notice and explore the world.  Much of their learning occurs through imitation and play.  By promoting independence and developing their emerging awareness of social behavior, we help your two-year-old discover life beyond their own little world.

Learning through play is key to building a desire for learning in a young child!  Our curriculum addresses each child’s growth and development by following his/her readiness cues.  Daily themes and activities are designed to incorporate the developmental areas including:  Sensory & Perception, Language & Communication, Emotional, Cognitive, and Physical.

Curriculum Goals

The following are the broad goals that are emphasized in the Bright Beginnings program.

Social/Emotional Skills – The goal is for children to feel loved, valuable, competent, and learn to trust others.

•      Develop positive feeling about him/herself

•      Begin to make friends

•      Begin to take turns

•      Share with friends

•      Accept one’s feelings and express those feelings in appropriate ways

•      Develop self- help skills and independence

Language and Speech

•      Increase the ability to communicate by developing listening skills, increasing vocabulary, and expressing ideas

•      Follow simple directions

•      Develop longer attention span

•      Develop an interest in books/story time

•      Introduce print awareness

Fine Motor Skills Develop eye-hand coordination and the control of small muscles through the following activities:

•      Painting (with brushes, fingers, dot painters, sponges)

•      Cutting (using loop scissors to introduce cutting skills)

•      Coloring

•      Gluing

•      Pouring

•      Puzzles

•      Building with blocks

•      Stringing large beads

•      Sorting objects by type

Large Motor Skills – Develop coordination of large muscles

•      Runs, walks, hops, jumps, skips, and climbs

•      Develop ability to throw and catch

•      Bean bag games and movement

•      Enjoy our inside and outside gym time

Cognitive Skills – are introduced throughout the day through games, books, songs, and other interactive centers.  Small and large group experiences are designed to introduce and reinforce these skills:

•      Recognize some basic shapes and colors

•      Stays on task while doing craft or activity (3-5 min.)

•      Beginning recognition of numerals, 0-10

•      Counting to 5 (or farther by rote)

•      Beginning recognition of upper case letters

•      Developing concept of matching, comparing

•      Begin to sort objects by color, size, type, use

•      Begin to develop a concept of time and sequence by following a daily schedule

Science Concepts

•      Increase the ability to learn about the environment through the use of the five senses

•      Begin to observe seasonal and weather changes and relate them to change in their own dress and activities

•      Identify major parts of the body

•      Practice basic rules, of health/safety by washing hands, covering mouth when coughing, tissue to wipe nose.

The Bright Beginnings curriculum is designed to enhance the development of each individual child while challenging them to extend their skills and levels of understanding.  Children this age fit into a wide range of developmental levels, so we provide many open-ended activities and experiences.